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Watersfield FC management set up

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Watersfield FC management set up

Postby spacey » Sun Sep 02 2012, 21:29

As first team manager of Watersfield FC I am looking for someone to help with the set up of the first team at our WSFL Premier club.

One thing I have learnt from saturdays defeat and during pre-season is that the first team require more assistance on the sidelines in our preparation before the game and assistance during the game which we currently lack.

Position would suit an older player or ex player who wishes to be involved with a friendly club helping the first team manager with organisation before, during and after games.

Duties will not incude texting players, but can involve coaching at training.

Anyone interested please send an message to me via this website or text on 07508 144 382

Pre-season is about bullshi!tters, backstabbers and finding out who you can trust!
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Joined: Wed Sep 28 2005, 11:24
Location: Storrington

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